A Better World at VU: Active8-Planet
Soesja van Wijgerden is the project facilitator of Active8-Planet. “We notice that the theme ‘planet’ really appeals to our Anthropology and Organisation Science students, but that translating their research into concrete, sustainable solutions is still a step too far for them,” she says. “After all, they’re used to analysing people’s experiences. In this project we’re collaborating with engineers from Huygen, who view the problem from a different perspective. It’s important to work on solutions with multidisciplinary teams; it brings surprises and helps you broaden your horizons.”
Active8-Planet brings a range of different parties to the table: students, a healthcare institution, an engineering firm. Together, they seek solutions to an issue from professional practice. The challenge ahead is clear. Can they jointly arrive at an innovative vision and solution?
Soesja: “Active8-Planet challenges students to take action and come up with solutions to the major issues of our times,” Van Wijgerden says. “Doing research is wonderful, but you learn a lot more by putting it into practice. When we stop focusing on ourselves and dare to consider approaches that prioritise the planet, you come up with different solutions. We want to give the participating students a sense of responsibility for the planet. They’re ambassadors who look beyond geographical and sectoral boundaries and place the planet on an equal footing with people and profit.”
Read the whole article HERE.