Active8-Planet Model
Integrating 4 planet-centred development principles: (1) Interdisciplinary & Intergenerational Co-creation; (2) People-centred Design, (3) University-Business Collaboration, (4) Environmental Ambition and Action.
Integrating 4 planet-centred development principles: (1) Interdisciplinary & Intergenerational Co-creation; (2) People-centred Design, (3) University-Business Collaboration, (4) Environmental Ambition and Action.
Interdisciplinary co-creation of planet-centred, ethical, and socially-embedded innovative concepts or interventions in response to an identified business or societal challenge.
A guiding, assessment and monitoring tool aligning the research & development activities with UN Sustainable Development Goals, the European Green Deal and Ethics.
Awareness raising game to promote and sensitize young people with key environmental and sustainability principles.
Enhancing international collaboration between 7+1 teams and enabling the flow of knowledge and experiences, together with informal exchange and fun.
Active8-Planet is an international project co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Knowledge Alliances for higher education.